Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Me and Carson. His smile is HILARIOUS! Gotta love him though <3
It's been quite the hectic life. School has been kicking my butt right along with my lovely church calling. I'm a visiting teaching coordinator and I do love it but man is it hard getting these sisters to do their visiting teaching! haha I just hope they know they'll be blessed tremendously for it. So me and Carson have made a goal to attend the temple every week together. It has been a great experience thus far. I go to do ordinances and afterward just sit there and read my patriarchal blessing.
This pass Sunday was fast and testimony meeting for my ward and it was great! So many people got up to bare their testimony including me. Actually I was the first one. I do have a strong testimony of fasting working. Lately I've also been having trouble with my jaw. I think its my TMJ kicking in. I have to watch what I eat which I hate. Oh and Carson just got a great job through lots of fasting! I'm really excited for him.

1 comment:

Mikki said...

What a cute picture! You guys make a cute couple. Hope things are gettting a little less hectic for you. Good luck with the VT calling, I had that one for a while, and yeah, it's kind of difficult.