Friday, December 18, 2009

I'm so bad at this...

So its been a couple of months...
I've finished my second semester, almost froze to death, got a job at taco bell, fell in love, and didn't catch a major cold.

Yes you read it right! I'm in love. and he is amazing. His name is Carson Smith. We met through friends plus he's my Elder's Quorum President ;). We live in the same apartment building and didn't really even like each other in the beginning. BUT the Lord works in mysterious ways, and it all just worked out!

I can't believe how cold it is. Logan, UT is probably the coldest place in the world next to Alaska! I think I want to transfer to somewhere warm for Spring semesters up at USU.

So happy to be back in Vegas. There is nothing like sun shine and no SNOW!


cate said...

Uh hi, I want to meet your boy. Also, I agree, snow sucks.

Mikki said...

Wow! In love? SO fun! I love those first months in a new relationship, they're so exciting. Want to see pics!!! :)
It was so nice seeing you during the Christmas holiday here.
I miss seeing you're sweet face when you're away at school!!!